====== Private Directory ====== Once authorised, you will receive your FTP credentials to acces your own private directory. Your private directory is organised like this : * **conf/** : Contains your configuration (php) files. * **css/** : Contains your CSS stylesheet(s). * **img/** : Contains your own visuals. * **press/** : Contains your press media files. ===== conf/ ===== This is where you'll find all your configuration files: * **[[.:conf:site|site.php]]** : your main site configuration file * **[[.:conf:faqs|faqs.php]]** : your FAQs configuration files ===== css/ ===== Use this folder to upload your own stylesheets : * **custom.css** : That is the default stylesheet called from your site. You may customise it at your convenience. * You might need to add additional stylesheets in this folder... ===== img/ ===== This is where your own images are and called from your custom stylesheet. You may organise it as you want, create subfolders, etc. ===== press/ ===== All of your press files are located in that folder and will be linked from the 'about/press' page on your site. * Name it the way you want it to appear on the link button. * Never use spaces in your file names. Please use '_' (underscores) that will automatically be replaced by spaces. {{indexmenu_n>40}}