====== Domain Name ====== Your site can be accessed from 3 different ways. //(For the understanding of this article, we'll pretend that your domain name is **mycompany.com** and your manufacturer id is **27**)// ===== Production : www.mycompany.com ===== This is the normal way to access your site ! In order to achieve this result you must change your DNS servers to point your **domain name** as well as the **www** subdomain to us. This is done by creating two [[wp>CNAME_record|CNAME records]] that point to **web.plugivery.net**. mycompany.com. CNAME web.plugivery.net. www.mycompany.com. CNAME web.plugivery.net. ===== PreProd : mycompany.com.web.plugivery.net ===== While settuping your brand new (Plugivery powered) website, you might want to test different settings and CSS templates before going live having your site visible to your visitors. In this matter, if you haven't already setup your DNS to point directly to us, you can preview your website by pointing to : http://mycompany.com.web.plugivery.net (notice that there is NO www subdomain in this case) When you are pleased with your website's settings, simply redirect your DNS and voila you're online ! ===== Demos : 27.web.plugivery.net ===== This access to your website bypasses ALL of your custom settings and CSS templates. It simply uses basic "demo" settings for you to see how your site displays with default settings and basic CSS templates. To access DEMO templates of your site, you must browse : http://YOUR_MANUFACTURER_ID.web.plugivery.net (notice that there is NO www part in this case) You can try different templates by using the 'demo' URL parameters. Example : * http://27.web.plugivery.net/?demo=1 * http://27.web.plugivery.net/?demo=2 * etc. {{indexmenu_n>30}}