====== FAQs Page ====== The **conf/faqs.php** contains all of your FAQs texts. //This is a php file, that contains an [[http://php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php|array]] of [[http://php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php|string variables]]// ===== Definition ===== Each of your FAQs are defined as the following : $pvw_conf['faqs']['SECTION']['INDEX']['q'] ="(question) TEXT"; $pvw_conf['faqs']['SECTION']['INDEX']['a'] ="(answer) TEXT"; Where: * **SECTION** is the section in which your FAQs are sorted. * **INDEX** is a unique index for this section. question/answer pairs can be a number or a string. * **TEXT** can be any string that can even include HTML tags (like long answers that might need LI or P tags. Here is an example : $pvw_conf['faqs']['general']['1']['q'] ="I have a question ?"; $pvw_conf['faqs']['general']['1']['a'] ="This is our Answer."; $pvw_conf['faqs']['general']['2']['q'] ="I have another question ?"; $pvw_conf['faqs']['general']['2']['a'] ="This is another Answer."; $pvw_conf['faqs']['general']['spammer']['q']="Can I send Spam ?"; $pvw_conf['faqs']['general']['spammer']['a']="Of course you can, but to martians only"; $pvw_conf['faqs']['support']['1']['q'] ="Will you come to my place to repair my software ?"; $pvw_conf['faqs']['support']['1']['a'] ="Of course we will and we'll even bring coffee."; ===== Sections ===== Sections are totally optional but they can be very useful if you want to separate your FAQs into different sections, especially if you plan to print many FAQs. //If you don't need or want to use sections, simply put all of your FAQs content within the same section such as 'general' and no sections will be displayed.// Each section index used in FAQ definitions must be named using the following syntax: $pvw_conf['faqs_sections']['SECTION'] ="NAME"; Where : * **SECTION** is the section index used for FAQs definitions. * **NAME** is the title that will be used for each of the sections. Example : $pvw_conf['faqs_sections']['general']="General Questions"; $pvw_conf['faqs_sections']['support']="Support Questions"; ===== Sorting ===== FAQs are groupped by sections and sorted as : * First in the order the **$pvw_conf['faqs_sections']** are defined in the configuration file, * Then in the order the **$pvw_conf['faqs']** are defined in the configuration file. {{indexmenu_n>40}}