Table of Contents


Here are some tips to change the look and feel of your PvDL pages and add some extra features.

Never Edit the /lib/pvdl_class.php

If you customize this file, you will encounter serious issues when we send you new versions of this file. So please, NEVER EDIT IT DIRECTLY !!!

Using the /my/pdvl_class_custom.php

For your convenience, we have created the pdvl_class_custom (child class) which extends the main pvdl_class (its parent class). This means that you can override or create any variables or methods from the parent class, by simply creating it in the child class.

You might use it to:


But be careful to NEVER modify the API pages or the methods they'are using. Doing so would surely break compatibility with our server's calls.

Using the Built-In API

We have also built several API methods that allow you to simply ask pvdl to return a convenient formated array with either :

This way, you can externally build anything you want in your product download pages, without having to use our automatically rendered HTML pages that list your downloads.

Querying the Built-in API

Simply call the script like this :

where PASS is either :

where METHOD is either :

You will receive a JSON formated Array containing all the data.

Studying its structure is very easy by adding “&debug=1” to the URL. Example :

You should previously have set the 'debug' parameter (in the configuration file) to '1' or '2', to be able to print the array on screen for debugging purposes.