Table of Contents

Boxes Block

The boxes block is a special preset block that allows you to quickly create multiple colums. Depending on the number of boxes you have defined, the site will display Bootstrap columns, each one containing a box with :

Column numbers can only be : 2,3,4,6 or 12.

Activating Boxes

You'll first need to activate the 'boxes' block, where you want them to be displayed. Example :


You'll then need to define the list of boxes you want to display for each block type, using the following syntax :


Where :

Example :


Defining Boxes

To correctly define a box, you should use the following syntax

$pvw_conf['boxes']['MY_NAME']['title']  ="MY_TITLE";

Where :

Example :

$pvw_conf['boxes']['box_home1']['title']  ="Version 5 released";
$pvw_conf['boxes']['box_home1']['content']="We have released a new version of "Analoger" that you will find in our Download page ";
$pvw_conf['boxes']['box_home2']['title']  ="Special Promo";
<p>We are currently running a great promo on "Analoger" sold at only $49</p>
<p><a href=''>Check out the details here</a></p>";
//$pvw_conf['boxes']['box_home3']['title']=''; // no title needed for this box
$pvw_conf['boxes']['box_home3']['content']="<a href=''><img src='/static/domain_name/img/box3_img.jpg'></a>";